Virtual Reality Physical Therapy

upper east side physical therapy

Physical therapy can be used to treat many neuro physical problems a patient may be experiencing. Physical therapy can be used to treat many conditions and symptoms resulting from cardiopulmonary conditions, musculoskeletal conditions, neurological conditions, work and sports related conditions, and even injuries and trauma. Physical therapy can clearly help with many conditions like these, and traditionally involves one on one treatments with a physical therapist. However, with increasing innovations and advancements in technology and medicine, a new way of providing physical therapy has emerged. Virtual reality physical therapy is a new way for physical therapists to help their patients. Here, we will discuss what virtual reality physical therapy is and how it can help patients. If you are looking for virtual reality physical therapy to help you or a loved one, reach out to us at Moving Forward Physical Therapy and get help from our upper east side physical therapy.

Virtual Reality Physical Therapy

Virtual reality physical therapy is a new type of physical therapy. It focuses on the neuroplasticity of the brain. The brain can reform and reorganize pathways in response to new learning and physical therapy. This ability is one of the key factors to virtual reality physical therapy. When combined with a physical therapist to assist you and animations and videos designed to guide you through your sessions, virtual reality physical therapy can help many patients recover from injuries, help with therapy sessions, and better learn and understand the pain and problems your body is experiencing and how to deal with it. Virtual reality physical therapy can be used in many ways. One popular way is to guide patients in their therapy sessions, showing them the key exercise of the session and how to best perform it. Seeing the exercise in VR helps patients complete the task as the therapist helps you through the session. This can help many patients learn pain points in their body, how to do the exercise properly, and how this can help with their conditions.

Another key area for virtual reality physical therapy is for neurological complications. Whether it is from a traumatic brain injury or a chronic neurological condition, VR physical therapy has helped patients greatly. Experience movements and exercises in virtual reality, and being guided through them, helps patients understand the movements more clearly, helping these patients complete and understand these exercises and movements better. Virtual reality treatments can also assist in your brain building a pathway for the movements you are working on. By experiencing these treatments in virtual reality your brain can have an easier time creating these neural pathways for the movements and exercise your physical therapist is working with you on. For virtual reality sessions in upper east side physical therapy, contact us as Moving Forward Physical Therapy and see how we can help you.

Benefits of Virtual Reality Physical Therapy

There are many benefits to virtual reality physical therapy. For starters, it allows the patient to participate in a fun and engaging virtual reality world. It allows physical therapy to be more enjoyable and fun while helping the patient recover than traditional physical therapy. Other benefits include: 

  • Allowing patients to fully commit and comply with their rehabilitation program. 
  • Provide better and effective results. 
  • Establish better connections with the patient’s brain 
  • Eliminates the one on one need for the patient 
  • Eliminates the repetitive nature thus preventing motivation reduction in patients. 
  • Decreasing cost in the healthcare system

The possibilities and the advantages of VR physical therapy are endless. One thing to note is that because VR physical therapy utilizes both cognitive and physical capabilities, it can help patients recover who have recently suffered from a stroke. 

Lastly, VR physical therapy allows therapists to give proper feedback on their timely tasks and give them the opportunity to understand and correct any mistakes that may happen. 

Contact Us Today

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to do physical therapy without the repetitive nature of traditional physical therapy? Does traditional physical therapy make you lose your motivation? Do you want a complete recovery with effect results? Then contact us today at Moving Forward Upper East Side Physical Therapy. As one of the first PT offices to feature this service in NYC, we will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that is just right for you! To learn more about VR Physio Therapy, visit the XR Health website. We work with XR Health to help provide the best possible treatment to our patients. Currently, they are providing mobile appointments to patients in need of treatment, along with sending out Oculus Quest systems.

For inquiries, call or text the Moving Forward Company at (212) 606-4035.

Moving Forward Physical Therapy PC