Active Release Technique In Manhattan

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Finding Lasting Relief: Active Release Technique in Manhattan

If you’re dealing with nagging soreness, restricted mobility, or difficulty performing at your best physically due to soft tissue dysfunction, you may have found yourself desperately searching for lasting solutions. We understand the frustration of bouncing from treatment to treatment hoping each one will be the answer you’ve been waiting for. At Moving Forward Physical Therapy, we specialize in a targeted hands-on approach called Active Release Technique (ART) to identify and treat the underlying soft tissue problems contributing to musculoskeletal discomfort and movement impairment.

Unlike other modalities that simply manage pain temporarily, ART pinpoints and addresses root causes for true, long-term relief and restoration of function. Read on to discover how ART can help you finally achieve freedom from restrictions, discomfort, and suboptimal performance.

A Specialized Approach for Lasting Results

Backed by over 30 years of clinical success and research validating its effectiveness, Active Release Technique delivers lasting solutions to muscle, tendon, and nerve problems. But what exactly sets ART apart?

1. Precise Identification of Dysfunctional Tissues
Using skilled palpation during specialized stretching and positioning, our certified ART practitioner, Daniel Zhu, detects problematic tissues causing pain or movement restrictions. Locating these adhesive scar tissues or contraction knots allows us to precisely target treatment.

2. Highly-Controlled Tension and Movement
Once the dysfunctional tissue is isolated, Daniel Zhu applies controlled tension and very specific movements to break up restrictions and scar tissue. This facilitates normal movement in affected muscles and nerves.

3. Restoration of Smooth Tissue Function
Releasing tight structures not only alleviates symptoms but also restores flexibility and mobility. Optimal glide and elasticity are renewed so tissues can move smoothly and efficiently without friction, irritation, or compensation issues.

Bringing together this powerful combination of assessment, tension, and movement is what produces such exceptional outcomes with Active Release Technique. Let’s examine exactly why ART is so effective for common conditions we successfully treat every day.

Who Can Benefit from Active Release Technique in Manhattan?

We use ART to alleviate pain, restore function, improve performance, and prevent injury for weekend warriors, competitive athletes, laborers, seniors, and individuals from all walks of life dealing with soft tissue restrictions.

ART is highly effective for conditions like:

  • Tendonitis (Achilles tendonitis, patellar tendonitis)
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Sciatica
  • Back and neck pain
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Knee, shoulder, hip, or elbow pain
  • Postsurgical scar tissue
  • Chronic repetitive stress injuries

1. Enhanced Soft Tissue Function
ART targets adhesions, scar tissue, and muscle imbalances, facilitating the breakdown of dysfunctional tissue and promoting the restoration of optimal soft tissue function. This can lead to improved flexibility, range of motion, and muscle activation, allowing individuals to move more freely and efficiently.

2. Pain Relief
By releasing tension and addressing underlying soft tissue dysfunction, ART can help alleviate pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions such as overuse injuries, strains, and repetitive stress injuries. The reduction in tissue tension and irritation often leads to decreased pain levels and enhanced comfort during movement and daily activities.

3. Improved Performance
ART aims to optimize biomechanics and musculoskeletal function, which can translate into improved athletic performance, reduced risk of injury, and enhanced overall movement quality. Athletes and individuals participating in physical activities may experience enhanced strength, power, and agility, allowing them to perform at their best while minimizing the likelihood of setbacks due to soft tissue issues.

Moving Forward and Daniel, in particular have been an essential part of my week and recover on the whole. The one-on-one approach and Daniel’s knowledge + kindness makes PT something I look forward to every week.

Jesse Brotter

I’m a musician and struggled with a workplace injury; Oscar and Vitaly were incredibly knowledgeable and helpful in my treatment and recovery process. Can’t recommend this business enough. Go, you won’t regret it.

Kaïa Kater

Frequently Asked Questions About Active Release Technique

Wondering if ART is right for you? Here are answers to some of the most common questions we receive.

What is the functional active release technique?
Functional ART utilizes specific motions associated with particular activities to treat relevant muscles and tissue. So rather than simply stretching in isolation, we incorporate functional movements like squatting, lunging or reaching. This allows for more sport-specific treatment of areas prone to dysfunction during athletic performance.

Is active release therapy painful?
Some mild to moderate discomfort may be experienced during treatment as restricted tissues are targeted. However, patients typically feel looser, freer, and experience less pain following ART sessions. Any discomfort dissipates quickly.

Can you do active release technique on yourself?
Self-ART is possible for certain accessible areas using tools like lacrosse balls but will not be as targeted or effective as being treated by a certified ART practitioner. Certain areas of the body cannot be properly reached on your own.

How often should you do active release therapy?
Acute injury or severely restricted tissue may require multiple sessions per week for the first 2-4 weeks. As normal movement and flexibility improve, frequency is reduced to once or twice per week. Maintenance treatments vary from monthly to quarterly for many patients.

About The Author

Vitaly Dvoskin, a DPT specializing in physical therapy for those in the corporate field, puts patients at the forefront of their care. With years of experience, they guide individuals towards achieving their best selves. At Moving Forward Physical Therapy in Manhattan, Vitaly Dvoskin crafts individualized plans using cutting-edge techniques, empowering patients to overcome limitations and thrive.

Ready to Get Your Life Back with Active Release Technique in Manhattan?

Ongoing discomfort and impaired performance don’t have to be your “new normal.” Daniel Zhu prioritizes listening closely to each patient’s unique circumstances and goals then developing customized treatment plans to restore comfort, function, and mobility as quickly and completely as possible. Give us a call us or request an appointment online to get started with your Active Release Technique program.