Arancha Marino

Arancha Marino
Having earned her Medical Billing Certification from Queens College, Arancha Marino holds the position of Billing & Office Manager for Moving Forward Physical Therapy. In this role, Ms. Marino manages all the daily operations for the practice, simultaneously running her own medical billing company, Healthy Billing Solutions, which offers billing services for Medical Professionals all over the tri-state area. Her knowledge and experience in the industry give Ms. Marino an edge in the complexities of health insurance and gives her the ability to educate patients of their insurance coverage. Her goal is to ensure all patients and clients of Moving Forward P.T. have a pleasant, transparent experience that allows them to heal fully and free of worry about the complex inner workings of insurance coverage.
Aside from medical billing, Ms. Marino organizes numerous parades in New York City. She is recognized for her hard work and support with the coordination and logistics of all marching band participants for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, of which she is the Chairwoman of Bands and Music. Ms. Marino can be accredited with bringing joy and festivities to the city for over 10 years.
In her spare time, Ms. Marino is a dedicated martial arts student. She has earned the level of black belt in Jun Fan Gung Fu also known as Jeet Kune Do, with a direct lineage to the legendary Bruce Lee. Following his philosophy of the importance of being a well-rounded martial artist, she also trains in Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, Kali-Eskrima, and Savate. She is an associate instructor under the FFIA in Wing Chun Gung Fu, in which she currently holds the rank of a brown belt. She hopes to accomplish her goal of achieving her black belt and full instructorship in the art over the next 2 years.