Physical Therapy for TMJ

TMJ Physical Therapy NYC

tmj physical therapy nyc

Over 80 million Americans suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) daily. TMJ is a pain in your jaw joint and in the muscles that control jaw movement that can affect your day to day living at times. Although surgery can fix TMJ, there are more conservative measures to take so you can manage this disease daily making it much more manageable to live with. Since TMJ causes pain in the face and jaw muscles it can be a burden to have to live with often. TMJ can be a genetic condition that is inherited by your genes or developed from arthritis or a jaw injury. TMJ is most often found by the patients’ dentist, but can only be managed by a physical therapist who advised how to make this disease more manageable and pain-free. Moving Forward Physical Therapy, leading TMJ physical therapy NYC can provide physical therapy to patients to help alleviate pain and provide exercises to strengthen the jaw and neck muscles associated with TMJ. 

What are the symptoms associated with TMJ?

  • Any sort of pain and or tenderness in the jaw area
  • Pain in any of the TM joints
  • Aching pain in or near the ear
  • Any difficulty chewing food
  • Locking of the joint

If any of the above symptoms resemble ones you are having, Moving Forward Physical Therapy, experts in TMJ physical therapy NYC, encourages you to contact us to help you gain control of this condition and let us help you make it better!

The team at Moving Forward Physical Therapy are trained physical therapy professionals in NYC in their field to help treat many conditions that make living with them much easier. Moving Forward PT – professionals of TMJ Physical Therapy in NYC has an Acupuncturist, Snow Xia that specializes in treating TMJ disorders to treat her patients with weekly sessions. While Snow performs her acupuncture for patients she is working on relaxing the facial muscles. Aside from acupuncture there are recommended exercises to be performed that relax the facial muscles. 

So what can you do to alleviate and manage the pain of TMJ?

Dr. Charles Davis from Medicine net advises these options …

  • Biofeedback
  • Stretching
  • Strength Training
  • Physical Therapy
  • Take pain relievers and or anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Surgery (if conservative options have failed)
  • Botox
  • Chew softer foods
  • Ice Therapy
  • Heat Therapy

What services do we offer?

When coming for treatment at Moving Forward Physical Therapy, our team is committed to giving you consistent hands-on treatment options that will aid in your recovery! The physical therapists at Moving Forward Physical Therapy make a treatment plan just for you upon your first evaluation. You will always get that one on one doctor-patient care and be consistent with the same doctor on every visit, so you are getting treated by someone who knows you and your case on a personal level.

Why choose Moving Forward Physical Therapy?

A unique service Moving Forward Physical Therapy has is that we offer concierge services for our patients meaning we can come to you if needed! Since we’re the leading experts in TMJ physical therapy NYC we make it a priority to accommodate our patients as best we can even if that means traveling to your home in NYC or office on a lunch break and even at hotels if our services are needed for your short stay in New York! We make it a priority to be ready to serve our patients at a moment’s notice. 

Introducing Telemedicine

A new service we are currently offering is telemedicine – which is the ability to have your therapists at Moving Forward Physical Therapy treat you through your camera if you cannot make it into the office or utilize our concierge service which is especially helpful right now as NYC is the epicenter of the novel coronavirus. 

Local TMJ Physical Therapy NYC

If you’re looking for TMJ Physical Therapy NYC, we are here for you. Moving Forward PT has flexible hours and experienced staff and can even come to you if you can not make it into the office. Please contact us today to create a treatment plan for that will work and begin resolving your pain within just a few weekly sessions! If you have any questions regarding our team, services, etc. Please contact us today! We look forward to combating your pain together.

For inquiries, call or text the Moving Forward Company at (212) 606-4035.

Moving Forward Physical Therapy PC